We've had a busy month! Luckily, I'm still feeling great! Lots of energy, lots of appetite, and just starting to feel little flutters in my tummy letting me know someone is in there! We're almost at the halfway point already! We go in 2 weeks for our big ultrasound where we'll finally get to see our baby! We'll be going on our 4 year anniversary so it should be a fun present for us. Yes, this is the appointment when we
could find out the sex of the baby; however to answer everyone's question we are going to close our eyes in that part and everyone will have to wait until November to find out! I think we get asked this question at least 10 times a day to which we get, without fail, one of two responses...1. "Oh! I could never wait, I'm too much of a planner" or 2. "we waited, and I highly recommend it, the surprise is wonderful"
I've posted some pictures below of the recent happenings around our house.....

18 weeks belly !! It's getting big! People are starting to rub my belly, and tell me things like "you're all belly" and "you look great!" or "you're just glowing!" which all make me feel really good as my waist disappears, even if they tell all pregnant ladies that :)

Memorial Day weekend on Tybee Island for Susie and Kevin's engagement party! It rained about half of the weekend, but we managed to still get some sun and beach time on our last day. Kevin's parents hosted a great engagement party at their home on the waterfront!

Chris and Whitney's wedding was this past weekend, and Johnny was a groomsman-doesn't he look handsome in his tux!?! It was a beautiful weekend for a wedding! We got to see lots of old friends, and of course eat A LOT of really good food. I learned that people in a buffet line will actually let pregnant ladies go ahead of them like we're starving animals.

Our vegetable garden is finally in the ground and growing like crazy! Johnny likes to say he's outside "farming" when he's working in the garden. Our crop this summer will include; tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, onions, 3 different varieties of peppers, watermelon, pumpkins, lettuce, blueberries, blackberries, and herbs. We'll have to set up shop at the farmer's market down the street to get rid of all these veggies!

The demo on the nursery has begun! I get a little nervous when I see the pile of rubble that will soon be my baby's room, but excited to see the process started. If you know anyone who needs a jacuzzi style garden tub-let us know :) I've been researching baby gear, and am getting ready to start registering soon! How exciting!

The AC officially went on for the first time today! Forecast was for a high of 94! This could potentially be our biggest argument all summer :) It's just so tempting to tweak the temp down a few degrees......
That's about it from our house...the pool is officially open and I'm thrilled to be able to swim laps a few times a week! I can float for the first time in my life!
Just one more picture because I think its so cute....