I think I've been asked this question
at least 30 times over the weekend. Every conversation plays out as follows....
Q: Is it a boy or a girl?
A: We don't know, we want to be surprised!
Q: Do you have any feeling about what it is?
A: I'm not really sure. From the start I've just had this gut feeling that it is a boy, but that is probably because I have always pictured us with a house full of boys running around all muddy all the time with unexplained bumps, bruises, and scrapes. Then another part of me thinks that it is a girl just because I've thought boy all along. I keep having dream
s that I've had the baby, but no one will tell me if it's a boy or a girl! So, I guess you could say I really have no idea, but we have absolutely no preference either way. I will say that I get a lot more "you're carrying a boy" from everyone who feels the need to comment on the size and shape of my belly :) That might also be what's driving my instincts to say boy. who knows? I guess we'll just have to wait!
Q: Do you have names picked out?
A: We do have names, but nothing is certain until I'm holding the little one in my arms. I'm a firm believer that I must meet the baby first before naming them. Some people have heard our name options, but for the most part we're staying quiet until the name is official because we won't know for sure until the baby has arrived!
And just because I don't want to post without a picture.....

My sweet Ruby's newest favorite spot-the changing table. I'm starting to think we might have some jealously issues when the baby arrives.....