Knocking back a cold one at the park with Dad
Mom, I don't sit in that chair anymore for pictures

Riding Bucky-mom's old rocking horse
I write this post just as I finished addressing the invites for Hank's first birthday party! Oh my!...mama is not ready for my baby to become a toddler. As much as I'm enjoying planning Hank's birthday party, I can't help the bittersweet feelings I have as I say goodbye to my baby's first precious year. Although, I can only imagine things continue to get better and better. Hank has become so interactive with us now. He "dances" to his favorite songs, "woofs" when he sees dogs, points at absolutely everything, waves byebye and hi, claps his hands, points to objects and things when asked, he has a few words-mama, dada, and ball, and it is so easy to get his signature chuckle! He's not walking yet, but is almost always standing and cruising along something. He likes to rearrange my furniture daily. The coffee table and kitchen chairs are frequently in new locations when I come home from work. He will walk when he's ready-I'm sure long before I'm ready for it! He's quite the chow hound, and basically eats whatever we're eating for meals. He rejects plates and will eat anything with his fingers-needless to say, mealtimes are a huge mess. Spaghettios with the fingers is just disgusting!
So until next month, when we'll have a full run-down of the party of the year!!!