I received an email from a loyal blog follower this week (Hi Caroline!) reminding me that I had not updated the blog since January!! whoops! I hate to let down my fans. Life sure does go by quickly with a toddler in the house we are constantly on the go, and thankfully spring came early to Atlanta this year and we have been outside whenever possible, making a mess out there rather than in the house. Hank is unbelievably busy all the time-he's down to only 1 nap a day which allows for much more playtime for Hank and much less housework for Mom. I have no clue where all the energy comes from, but as soon as he's down for the night (and the house is put back together) I immediately collapse on the couch for the night with my American Idol. He talks up a storm, and I love being able to communicate with him. We counted his words the other night and he has ~60 and is starting to use some 2 word phrases !! He's making his mama so proud with all that language. At 16, almost 17 months old we are in the midst of redirection, teaching discipline, and lots and lots of yelling when we don't get our way :) And I thought a newborn was challenging!! But hearing my little man ask "mama please cookie" every morning when he wakes up makes all that hard work worthwhile.
So here's some pictures from the past weeks-since that's all anyone really wants to see!!
Hank is a big fan of Barnes and Noble-lots and lots of books and choo choo trains!
16 month check up-Hank loves going to the doctor, and has never cried when getting shots.
"helping" unload the dishwasher
Once again "helping" cook dinner

Hank started swimming lessons a few weeks ago!
New play table. Hank loves to color!
First birthday party invitation-his buddy Logan

New sandbox on the deck!