So some stats for ya at the halfway point:
1. How am I feeling? Great actually. I love the second trimester. I have lots of energy, good appetite, and am generally still comfortable. I've been feeling this baby move around so much more, so much earlier than with Hank. That is my absolute favorite part of pregnancy.
2. Gender? So after two ultrasounds telling us without a doubt we were having a boy, we had one at 18 weeks that is undoubtedly a GIRL! I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one...
3. Cravings? Never had any with Hank, not had any with this one either....
4. Names? We had a boy name picked out since for a month we were planning on another boy--now we've got nothing. I didn't even have a girl name picked out when I went into the delivery room with Hank because I was so convinced he was a boy. I imagine it will be a while before we agree on something...
5. Interesting fact: at the halfway point with Hank I'd gained 17 pounds, at the halfway point with BabyGirl-I've gained 6 but she is exactly the same size that Hank was according to our ultrasounds. I'm thinking she may not be another 9 pounder at birth which would be absolutely fine with me!
Baby Girl on the inside at 18 weeks.
Baby Girl from the outside at 18 weeks
And to compare....Hank at 20 weeks
18 weeks with Hank