I realize that we are now closer to Valentine's Day than Christmas, and I am just now getting around to posting about our Christmas. I think it has taken me this long to recover from the holidays, and I'm still relishing in the idea that I have a whole year before I have to turn around and do them again :) The Christmas season took a whole new turn this year now that we have a believer in the house. The magic of Christmas really came alive in our house, and while it is so much fun to see Hank and even Lucy wide-eyed in anticipation of all the fun...it is absolutely exhausting for mama! On top of all my usual responsibility, you have to tack on all the decorating, shopping, wrapping, santa visits, winter wonderlands, parties, baking, and that silly elf that you have to remember to move every night--there were many a nights I woke up at 3am realizing I didn't do anything with him and had to get up and move the silly thing...So yes, I enjoy Christmas...but so thankful it is just once a year.
This year we had Aunt Susie, Uncle Kevin, and Cousin Eliza in town for the week-so the kids had fun getting to see their only cousin and aunt and uncle (excited to learn cousin #2 is arriving this summer!) We took trips to the Yellow River Game Ranch and the zoo with Eliza and spent Christmas Eve with the Ritger family and hosted my family for Christmas day. Both kids were overwhelmed with gifts as usual, and totally wiped out after all the festivities were over-3 hour naps were in order for 3 days following Christmas.
Welcome 2013! (and no we don't celebrate New Year's in this house--I was asleep by 10pm, I have an almost one year old that doesn't sleep through the night yet--I sleep at all available opportunities)