We figured it was time for the first shot of the belly since my pants are all officially a bit uncomfortable, and I bought my first maternity pants last weekend! The elastic waistband is amazing, I may never go back. Here I am at exactly 12 weeks...welcome 2nd trimester! It doesn't look like much in this picture when I look at it now, but it sure does feel huge when I look down at it everyday. I still feel great, honestly I can say that I feel better pregnant than I did before. My energy is coming back more and more everyday-I don't think I've taken a nap in weeks. My appetite is out of control-this baby is hungry all the time. I have to take a whole grocery bag of snacks to work everyday! I'm trying my hardest to keep it healthy so I don't end up putting on 90 pounds :)
My second doctor's appointment is next week, no pictures expected this time, but maybe we'll hear the heartbeat!