Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here comes the belly...

We figured it was time for the first shot of the belly since my pants are all officially a bit uncomfortable, and I bought my first maternity pants last weekend! The elastic waistband is amazing, I may never go back. Here I am at exactly 12 weeks...welcome 2nd trimester! It doesn't look like much in this picture when I look at it now, but it sure does feel huge when I look down at it everyday. I still feel great, honestly I can say that I feel better pregnant than I did before. My energy is coming back more and more everyday-I don't think I've taken a nap in weeks. My appetite is out of control-this baby is hungry all the time. I have to take a whole grocery bag of snacks to work everyday! I'm trying my hardest to keep it healthy so I don't end up putting on 90 pounds :)

My second doctor's appointment is next week, no pictures expected this time, but maybe we'll hear the heartbeat!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The nursery

For those who have been to our house you all have shared a chuckle with us about the luxury master suite complete with jacuzzi tub and zero privacy toilet. We now face our biggest renovation project. In the next 6 months we will revert this 1 super deluxe room back into 3 rooms, creating a nursery, private bathroom, and guest room. This is going to require the big guns of home renovation-plumbing, electrical, flooring, closet building, wall building, and wall destroying. We have a plan drawn out, and are ready to get started-bathroom is up first. Luckily, Johnny works best with time pressure and there's no greater reminder of the pressure than my growing belly! Once the walls are up, I can start on the nursery. A good friend of ours who is an artist, has offered to paint the room for us with a mural. We started planning our "theme" with him yesterday, and I am very excited about the plan! It should be an amazing nursery. Of course, like all things baby, we will be keeping you in suspense until the big reveal!

So here's a picture of the "before", I'll update with the in-progress pictures as we go!

In other home renovation news...we are getting a new deck built this week! We can finally have people over without having to worry that the deck will collapse!!!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers