For those who have been to our house you all have shared a chuckle with us about the luxury master suite complete with jacuzzi tub and zero privacy toilet. We now face our biggest renovation project. In the next 6 months we will revert this 1 super deluxe room back into 3 rooms, creating a nursery, private bathroom, and guest room. This is going to require the big guns of home renovation-plumbing, electrical, flooring, closet building, wall building, and wall destroying. We have a plan drawn out, and are ready to get started-bathroom is up first. Luckily, Johnny works best with time pressure and there's no greater reminder of the pressure than my growing belly! Once the walls are up, I can start on the nursery. A good friend of ours who is an artist, has offered to paint the room for us with a mural. We started planning our "theme" with him yesterday, and I am very excited about the plan! It should be an amazing nursery. Of course, like all things baby, we will be keeping you in suspense until the big reveal!
So here's a picture of the "before", I'll update with the in-progress pictures as we go!

In other home renovation news...we are getting a new deck built this week! We can finally have people over without having to worry that the deck will collapse!!!
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