Here's the belly at 15 weeks! I can't believe how big it is compared to 12 weeks! I am hoping to start feeling this baby kicking around in there anyday now. I had a check-up at 13 weeks that was quick and easy. I heard the heartbeat and everything sounds great. I go back next week for another quick check up and then on June 18th, our 4 year anniversary we both get to go for our 20 week ultrasound! I'm so excited, Johnny took the day off from work, and I can't think of a better way to spend our anniversary than getting the first look at our baby. Of course, this is the day we could find out the sex, but after talking to many people, I am absolutely sure I do not want to know until delivery day!
I'm still feeling great! Lots of energy, and lots of projects going on! I am really getting into this whole nesting thing :)
In other news our new deck was finished up a few weeks ago! Take a look....we LOVE IT and can't wait to have everyone over for a BBQ!