24 weeks-6 months pregnant! Time flies when you're having fun!
So at my appointment yesterday, my midwife reminded me that in another week I'd officially be in my third trimester! YIKES!! That snuck up on me. She also handed me a packet of information with a to-do list that has to be completed by 36 weeks-double YIKES! Of course this list did not include things like "build walls in the nursery", "obtain diaper genie", or "figure out what to name this baby". Thank goodness I'm a natural-born nester, I thrive on to-do lists!
Baby Ritger is doing wonderfully, he or she spends pretty much all day and all night kicking and
punching me. If you're sitting next to me you might get a surprise when you see my belly jump out all of a sudden on one of his or her head over heels flips! I think we're currently laying sideways in my belly, but that may change within the hour! I read this week that my baby is the size of a foot-long hot dog, we're getting up there! At work this week, I was working in the NICU with a baby that were born at 25 weeks-thats the same size as the baby growing inside of me now! Crazy!
Baby preparations continue to progress in our house. We purchased our crib and changing table last weekend (craigslist of course). Johnny has been trying out his plumming hat in recent weeks he is trying to install our clawfoot tub and all associated plumming. You will have to ask him how that is going:) We finished painting the back side of our house last weekend in preparation for the wedding shower I'm throwing for my sister-in-law and her fiancee this weekend. Only
one side left to paint!
In a few weeks we start childbirth class, and I had a long discussion with my midwife this week about natural childbirth vs. the epidural. I'm still on the fence with this one, and during our conversation she gave the analogy that childbirth was like playing a game of poker becuase you never know what card you will draw when its time to get the baby out! I'm a terrible card game player, so this worries me a little :) We'll see how the class goes, and if I commit to the natural decision we will sign up for hypnobirthing classes that focus completely on laboring and delivering naturally.
Next weekend is our hospital tour. It's funny because I work in a hosptial, but am absolutely terrified to be a patient in a hospital. I'm hoping the tour helps put some of my fears to rest.
A few pictures of recent happenings....
My wonderful hubby working on another one of my nesting projects, we all know a baby cannot come home to a half painted house!
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