Hank is such a traveling man already! We spent the past weekend in Charleston for our friend's Marc and Erinn's wedding. We went over early Friday to see the city; however since it hasn't been above freezing in a week our time touring the city was limited. However, we did bundle up and tour the Charleston historic district, doing some window shopping, and stopping for coffee when it got too cold. Hank's second car trip was a breeze compared to the 14 hour drive to Chicago. He slept for a few hours, and was content to play in his car seat babbling, smiling, and laughing the rest of the time.
We were so nervous about how things would go at the wedding, but as he always does, Hank was a trooper! He slept through the ceremony, and had us on pins and needles waiting to make a mad dash from the church if he started fussing, but not a peep. When we arrived at the reception, he woke right up and turned into a party animal! He just laughed and smiled at everyone, was out on the dance floor loving all the music and lights. He loved meeting and spending time with all of our friends- his "aunts and uncles". He got so much attention from everyone, and loved every second of it. He even got a kiss from the bride-what a lucky boy! Not a cry or fuss out of him all night. I can't imagine what goes on in his head at an event like that, but I could tell that he was really enjoying himself.
Seeing him so happy, made me feel so good about deciding to go on the trip. While it is a lot of work for us to travel now, I want Hank to experience things and see things with us. Each time we take him out, it gets easier for all of us. He is such a laid back little guy, and we had such a good time with him and our friends this weekend!
Being silly and making faces in the car
Nate and Lauren dancing with Hank. They watched Hank for us so we could get out on the dance floor for a while!
What a fun weekend!
sounds like things went better than I could have hoped for! Ii'm glad you guys all had such a wonderful time. The formal onesie is really cute!