Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring has arrived!

Spring has finally arrived in Atlanta, and we are more than ready to say goodbye to winter this year! We've been spending lots of time out enjoying the weather-taking long walks to the park, and Hank's new favorite activity is swinging at the playground. No more bundling up in coat, gloves, and hat just to go to the grocery store. We're breaking out the short sleeves now!

Monday, March 8, 2010

4 month stats

Let me start by saying, I LOVE 4 month olds! (although I imagine things just keep getting better and better). Hank has been a developmental milestone explosion lately. It seems that everyday he learns something new, and is so engaged and interactive with the world now. He's recently discovered his voice, and for 2 days straight has done nothing but blow raspberries at me. He grabs his toes all the time, can almost roll over on his own, and started eating rice cereal! Laughs and smiles are abundant, and his personality is really starting to shine.

We had our 4 month check up this week, and Hank is growing like a champ! He didn't even shed a tear when he got his shots either! What a big boy!

Here's how he's stacking up at 4 months:

Height 27 inches long 95%
Weight 16 lbs 12 oz 81%
Head 17.2 inches 85%

These are our official 4 month pictures done by our wonderful photographer friend Chris Delaney.

Monday, March 1, 2010

4 Months Old!!

Hank's First Hike

Johnny's birthday was last week, and Hank's gift to him was a backpack carrier for when we go hiking. We were anxious to try it out, and see how Hank likes the woods, so we packed up on Saturday and headed out to Sweetwater Creek State Park. It was a beautiful sunny, winter day. A little chilly, but not too bad once we got moving. Initially Hank was a little skeptical of this whole baby in the backpack thing, but by the end he was smiling and babbling up a storm! He "talked" to his Dad the whole time, and had so much to look at-we might have a future cub scout on our hands! (I'm sure his Dad would be thrilled!) He fell asleep about 30 seconds after we put him in the car for the ride home. It looks like he's a true Ritger-ready to take on the woods!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers