Do I have something on my face?
Oh my...what a little man we have on our hands now. After 6 1/2 months of tummy time refusal, one day I went into his crib to get him and he was sleeping on his stomach. From that day on he's on his tummy at every available opportunity. He is so close to crawling, he gets up on his knees and rocks and can scoot himself towards toys; however the frustration level is high, and crawling practice typically turns into screaming pretty quickly. I imagine I have about a week left with my non-mobile little man before he figures it out and takes off! He is very very chatty now, and babbles on all day long about dada, mama, nana, baba. Memorial Day weekend his bottom two teeth came in, and he's cutting the top two right now. We've started working on a few solid foods so he can practice using those new teeth!
I love watching his personality develop-I see him quickly turning into a mini-me version of his Dad. He's very easy going, sweet natured, and always happy! But he is high energy-always looking for the next activity or toy and not wanting to miss a second of life! He will go and go and go until he just can't go anymore. Hopefully the two of them will keep each other entertained in the years to come so that I can relax and catch up on sleep!
Hank is still growing like crazy. At his 6 month check up he was 29 inches long (99th %-actually off the top end of the chart) and 19 lbs 8 oz (83rd%). We still don't think he's the "spitting image" of either one of us-some people say he looks like mom, some say dad; I interpret that as a good combination of both of us.
One thing is for sure though...he's a blue eyed, blond haired boy!
Stay tuned for a run-down on Hank's first trip to the beach!!
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