My little man is quickly becoming more and more like a toddler and less like the baby I know! At 10 months he is crawling very efficiently all over the house tearing into absolutely everything he can get his hands on. I spend a good half an hour every night after he goes to bed putting the house back together. My tupperware is typically all over the kitchen floor, the fridge magnets are all down and strewn across the floor, the books are pulled off the shelves, the cat food is frequently spilled out of the bowls, and there is an overabundance of toys scattered throughout the house. He pulls up on everything he possibly can, and has just in the past few days started cruising-pushing chairs and other objects all around the house. He is very proud of all his new accomplishments, and will give a huge cheesy smile whenever he's gotten into something new or figured out a new trick. We are trying to work on "no", and while I'm 99% certain he knows what it means, he certainly pushes the limits. He tries everyday to get into the same forbidden things, he will shoot me a glance to see if I'm looking with a little outstretched paw. I'll say "NO" he'll pull the paw back, then look back at me to see if I'm still looking before trying again.
He LOVES feeding himself-although it is still questionable how much food actually goes in! He just started holding a bottle or sippy cup by himself (FINALLY) and thinks he's really big stuff. He eats anything I give him, and I am so thankful he is not picky (yet). He just cut his 5th tooth, so that's helping in the chewing department.
I think I'm in shock that I'm starting to think about his first birthday party. In my mind I was just pregnant last week. In his mind he seems to think he's ready for kindergarten. He is such a happy boy, almost always laughing, smiling, or chuckling at something-best sound in the world!
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