Hank's actual first birthday fell on a Tuesday this year (election day to be exact). Since I didn't want Hank to have a typical day at home with his nanny, and since I'm always looking for an excuse to take a day off of work; I took the day off to spend with Hank. Even better since I never work on Monday I got a 4 day weekend out of the deal! Halloween combined with birthday festivities made for quite an exciting weekend! Hank and I went to the zoo to ride the zoo train and check in on all the animals. Hank currently loves all things trains or Thomas the Train, so as expected he loved the ride on the train. Our resident panda bear was expecting her baby at any moment, and since it looked like Hank and the baby panda might share a birthday the nice lady at the zoo gift shop gave Hank a stuffed panda bear that has quickly become a favorite. Unfortunately, the baby panda didn't make an appearance until early the next morning so they miss sharing a birthday by about 5 hours.
After the zoo, Grandpa came and visited on his way home from work and dropped off a few presents for opening. Soon after Grandpa's visit, Hank's favorite time of day-Dada got home for a family party of opening presents and birthday cake. Hank's official party is this weekend over in the park with a few close friends and family. It looks like the weather will be beautiful!
He wasn't quite sure about the whole present opening thing yet...

Gift from Aunt Susie and Uncle Kevin
Hank's first Thomas the Train-a favorite gift for sure!
What a mess!
"I don't wear hats, mama!"

The kangaroos are favorites at the zoo
On the zoo train

A wonderful first birthday memory.... I'm sure you both had fun!