So I've had this on my to-do list for a while now, but let's face to-do list never has less than 28 items on it at any given time so "blog makeover" is easily bumped down for those more pressing items. However, this has been a project that I've been excited about for a while. I follow a lot of 365 blogs that I really enjoy (for those unfamiliar, a 365 blog is a picture a day), I feel like you really get a better feel for "real life" on family blogs when you get a look into everyday rather than hitting the high points aka birthday, christmas, mother's day etc. Also, I love photography but can never find the time to work on my photography skills. Lastly, I have this little man in my house that I love to photograph and basically why anyone reads this blog. So, I decided to give my blog a new look, make an effort to get my camera out more often, and document more often. I can't promise that I will provide 365 days of pictures, but so far I've done much better and am really enjoying it!

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