It is amazing to me how no matter who you are talking to, the same set of pregnancy questions always follow your announcement. So to answer the standard protocol questions we get when we announce the impending arrival of chickadee #2
1. How am I feeling: see above. Bottom line: Pregnancy #2 has been less enjoyable than Pregnancy #1
2. Are you finding out the sex this time? Yes we are. Although we LOVED being surprised with Hank, both Johnny and I are big fans of "trying it all once" so we decided to find out this time around and see what we like better. Then we can decide which we prefer for #3 :) Lucky for me I have a friend in the ultrasound department at work: I'm going this week to see if we can see anything :)
3. When are you due: Official due date is March 28th but because I will have to have a repeat c-section, that will happen about a week earlier at 39 weeks. So lucky for us, we'll get to pick this baby's birthday! I'm shooting for the first day of spring since it's one of my favorite days.
4. The above question inevitably leads to the next question: So you are going to have the repeat c-section?? I find this question very personal...but nonetheless...
After a lot of discussion and research with both my doctor and Johnny we made the decision that it was in my best interest to repeat the c-section. I know that many women support the VBAC, but given the facts and what I see at work everyday the risks didn't outweigh the benefits for me and my family. And basically, I thought the c-section was a sign me up again!
5. Are you going to potty train Hank? why is this such a popular question for second time moms?? I'm so not ready for potty training; however Hank is basically potty training himself right now so most likely I will try and get him out of diapers before baby arrives; but I'm not pushing anything.
So welcome Baby Ritger part deux:
And because I don't want my second child to feel slighted, I'm going to keep up with the belly pics this time also. Please excuse the bandaid on my arm-it was flu shot day at work :) 13 weeks.
So let's take a moment to compare. They say you show a lot sooner the second time around...guess what? THEY'RE RIGHT! Here I am at 12 weeks with Hank...hello? belly?
An interesting tidbit about this comparison that I don't even really understand. At this point in my pregnancy with Hank, I'd already put on about 7 or 8 pounds. This time I've only put on about 3 pounds...but clearly something is going on in there...
So here's to another healthy, wonderful addition to our growing family!!!
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