The belly shot is 27 weeks, but as I'm actually getting around to write this I'm now 28 weeks--welcome back to the third trimester! I also get one less week this time as repeat c-sections are done at 39 weeks, as we just scheduled the c-section for March 22 so 10 weeks to go!!
So a pregnancy update:
1. How am I feeling: pregnant period. Not really tired, but we're reaching that point where its much harder to get comfortable in bed and sleep becomes more and more scarce. I fully believe this is just mother nature's way of preparing the unknowing mother for the coma they are about experience in a few months. I'd say both pregnancies have been pretty similar. I never have any terrible complaints but the further along I get the more the little annoyances start to build-up. Heartburn is kicking in full force, twinges in my lower back, pregnancy induced carpal tunnel, pregnancy induced nosebleeds (seriously? please explain this one), leg cramps at night, swollen feet at the end of the day etc.
2. How's BabyGirl: She's a mover! Because of the way my placenta is attached this time, I can feel her movements much more than I could with Hank. Hank tended to leave my internal organs alone too-she loves to thump on my bladder and push up on my diaphragm.
3. Doctor's Report: I passed my glucose test last week-HORRAY!! Although, I might be the only woman in the world that doesn't mind the drink-must be my sweet tooth. Blood pressure is actually running low-DOUBLE HORRAY! I've gained about 17 pounds which is significantly less than with Hank at this point, but I am also much more active this time around-If I recall the pounds really start packing on in the last few months. Heart rate was 145 at last visit. So my doctor is a South African gentleman and he always says in his great accent "well Kim, it appears that you are pregnant". Aka things are sailing along swimmingly....
4. Birth plan: Things are so much easier this time around. No childbirth classes, no hospital tour, no breastfeeding classes. The repeat c-section is scheduled; however if I go into labor naturally before that date I will attempt a natural delivery.
5. Does BabyGirl have a name? no- not even close. and she will not have a name until she has arrived. We have several options, that change from day to day and really feel like we just haven't found the perfect name yet. So, no we will not be sharing the names in the running, because we don't want any opinions from outside sources! Last time everyone waited for the gender, this time they will have to wait for a name!
So here we are...10 weeks and counting....
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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