Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lucy Jane 6 weeks old

Good grief! 6 weeks already?  Lucy, or Lulu as Hank loves to call her, just continues to be such a sweet, cuddly, mellow baby.  She's growing like crazy, and at her doctor's visit today we found out that you are exactly the same size to the ounce and inch that Hank was when he was born!  Lucy loves to be held, and is super snuggly; although she is completely content to bounce in her bouncy chair or hang out on the floor with her happy apple.  She gives us "googly eyes" now as she's trying to focus on objects, the first real smiles should be here any day now!  She is already sleeping pretty much through the night-usually a long 7 hour stretch and only up once.  I mean, if all babies were as easy as Lucy, I'd have 5 more :)  Hank is still smitten with his sister-he tells her constantly that he loves her and that she's sooo cute.  He's recently started saying that she's his best friend, which makes me sad cause he used to tell me that!

How you measured up:
Height: 22 inches 39th% (19 inches at birth)
Weight: 8 lbs 14 oz 18th% (6lbs 1 oz at birth)
Head: 15 inches 83rd % (13 inches at birth)

Likes at 6 weeks:
  • Tummy time!  Unlike Hank who would scream bloody murder if he even thought he was about to be put on his tummy, you love it!  You will gladly hang on your tummy for 30 minutes at a time.
  • Your pacifier and sometimes I find you sucking on your fist
  • Grunting!!
  • Being carried like a football on your belly on someone's arm
  • The glow worm
  • Looking in mirrors at yourself or looking at Mr. Happy Apple (a family heirloom)
  • bouncing in your bouncy chair-or any other form of motion
  • sleeping snuggled up against mama
  • laying on your changing table looking out the window
  • the sound of the vacuum cleaner-puts you to sleep immediately
  • bows in your hair (or at least mommy likes to think so)

Dislikes at 6 weeks:
  • Gas-sorry Lulu for sharing this with the world, but you are a gassy baby.  It is just about the only thing that will get you fussing
  • the hiccups 
  • when I swaddle your arms in-you like to have them up above your head when you sleep
  • when you realize you've been left alone sleeping somewhere-you love to cuddle!

One month birthday

"Really mom?" "Do I need to sit up in this crazy chair?"

Being all fancy in my skirt now that I'm 6 weeks old
 The beginnings of a smile??
 Kicked back, chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool....

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