2 month stats:
Height 23.25 inches 91%
Weight 11 lbs 45%
I mean is this a beautiful baby girl or what? My sweet June bug is now at that adorable, squishy, smiley baby stage-not that alien, old man look that all newborns have complete with flakey skin and baby acne. I already can't even imagine our family without Junie. We seem to be coming over the hump of the new baby adjustment period-Hank has really done pretty well, but Lucy has had more trouble accepting her middle child status. It seems that the random 2 year old, flailing on the floor, screaming fits seem to be calming down for the moment...while they are hilarious to me, the decibel level in the house is now at max so high pitched screaming over the wrong color fruit snack isn't always welcome. Lucy has recently warmed up and started "petting baby" and loves to label all of June's body parts-"yook mommy, baby eyes" poke poke poke in June's eye sockets followed immediately by "yook mommy, baby crying". They'll learn to love each other eventually- I even caught Lucy trying to color June the other day, "crayons on baby, mommy". Progress, right?
June appears to be our brown eyed baby, and seriously has the roundest head and face imaginable. She is still keeping the title of my best sleeper-the past 2 weeks she's been doing 10-12 hour stretches at night AND she's started putting herself to sleep which is so dreamy. I don't believe in any of that Babywise nonsense, they get it when they get it and I've done my time with bad sleepers, so thank goodness for this nugget's good sleeping skills. She's super smiley, and started really cooing recently. She loves to play on the playmat, with lots of kicking and batting at toys. Hank claims she's already rolled over, but I think he may have pushed her over in an effort to "help". She's got awesome head control, and is already working it in the Bumbo chair. She doesn't love the carseat, unless we are in constant motion. Loves her baths, binky, glow worm, and swaddle. All in all, she's a pretty mellow little one that is just along for the ride most of the time. I'm almost sad that she sleeps so well at night, because that was our quiet time alone...ALMOST...
Happy 2 months Junie!
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