26 1/2 weeks! Welcome to the third trimester!
I don't know if other women share this opinion, or if it is just because I am one of the first of my close friends to have a child...but I feel like a broken record answering the same pregnancy related questions over and over and over again. So, I thought I would pick some of the frequently asked questions to answer on here, just to be sure everyone gets all the juicy details they desire. (I get so many requests for blog updates from people! I didn't think anyone read this other than our families-but thats awesome, so I need to keep the updates coming!)
So for week 1 in my FAPQ (frequently asked pregnancy questions) series:
Q: Have you continued to exercise during your pregnancy? how has your work out routine changed since becoming pregnant?
A: YES!!! I have remained very active throughout my pregnancy. However, my exercise routine has changed quite a bit because of the limitations during pregnancy. I used to run multiple times a week, but since becoming pregnant I haven't really felt that running was a good idea. Doctors say its okay, but the whole idea of bouncing the baby up and down in the heat and humidity of Atlanta just hasn't been real appealing to me. So, I've gone back to my old stomping grounds at the pool! We live 2 blocks from a huge city pool! I've been walking over a few days a week and swimming laps. Not only does it feel amazing to move your body and use your muscles, but the water takes all the strain off your aching back and ankles! (not to mention the nice golden tan you get logging hours at the pool)
On my off days from the pool, I've taken up walking my old running route around the park (about 3 miles with steep hills up and down) or at the river trails. I set a stopwatch and work to walk a certain distance within a certain amount of time. Johnny and I have been walking a lot together, so its nice to spend that time together too! At least once a week I try to do my prenatal yoga-I bought a great video that is similar to the type of yoga I did before I was pregnant. It has modifications for each trimester, and it feels absolutely amazing to stretch all the muscles out!
So thats pretty much my exercise program during pregnancy. Aside from exercising, I stay active working in the yard, always taking the stairs at work, etc etc. I notice a huge increase in my energy levels if I've been exercising or not.
Although there are some days when the overwhelming urge for a nap takes over, and I have my hubby to thank for pictures like these....