Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Lucy

My sweet baby has officially turned one, and we all survived the festivities with minimal whining and crying.  We had our traditional family party on her actual birthday, followed by her official rainbow themed bash with all her favorites in attendance.  

How Lucy stacks up at 1 year:
  • Height: 29 inches 45th percentile up from 19.5 at birth
  • Weight: 19 lbs 29th percentile up from 6 lbs at birth. The doctor said her jumps on the weight chart have been "phenomenal" and I have to agree since we started out in the less than 3rd percentile.  What can I say? my girl likes to eat.  
  • She's got 6 teeth with two more top teeth trying to push through as we speak
  • She still crawls like a pegleg, pulling her right leg underneath her-but man she moves fast!
  • She cruises all over the house, and took a few independent steps after the cat the other day, but crawling is the preferred method of movement
  • She babbles up a storm and has a few true words already-mama, dada, meow, fish, uh oh, hi, and bye
  • She loves music, dancing, clapping, patty cake, "riding the horsie", swinging, being outside, playing "I'm gonna get you", wrestling with her brother, being upside down,  peek a boo, reading books, and basically any of her brother's toys
  • She eats like a chow hound-3 huge meals a day of basically whatever we're eating, she weaned herself from breastfeeding and is now almost completely on whole milk.  Blueberries are her absolute favorite.  

I'll let the photos tell the rest....

Her first set of wheels, and just one more hunk of plastic under the deck-but it makes her so very happy, so I suppose it's worth it :)

Bright and early on birthday morning
 Hank helping open presents, aka opening all of his sister's birthday presents
 Cake! She's like her dad, rather timid about sweets.
 Traditional birthday zoo trip with big bro-I just love seeing them standing together like this, checking out the bush dogs :)
                           Train ride on day 365 of life                                        First train ride on day 10 of life

Birthday photo shoot 

The main event-we got a beautiful 65 degree day for a party on our deck

What a joy our sweet Lucy Jane is!  It always amazes me how far they come in the first year of life, she has quite a personality developing and is into everything already keeping us very busy.  Onto year 2 little one!

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