Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Recent Happenings in 500 words and pictures or less?

I never do new year's resolutions, mostly because I think it just makes you feel like crap when you've already failed by January 15th..and let's face it, sticking with them is virtually impossible.  However, I am a big fan of the whole clean slate for the new year, and I typically try to set some goals for the year.  One of my big ones, was to spend more time blogging (read: posting once a week), expand the blog from more than just a family update blog etc--well you see why I don't do new year's resolutions?  I am clearly incapable of keeping them.

Well, I still have this goal in mind, if life ever slowed down enough to allow me to eat/drink/sleep etc.  I do feel compelled to keep up the family updates simply because I don't have baby books for the kids-another major mommy shortcoming on my part, I know. To be fair, I think baby books are outdated in the age of social media, digital photography, smart phones etc.  I mean I have thousands of photos and videos of my kids--I grew up in the age of film photography where I'd get a roll of 24 developed every few months.   At least the kids will have this blog to look back at someday, right?

Winter is hard with kids....this winter was miserable, it seemed like it was raining, cold, windy and grey 95% of the time.  To say we've got cabin fever would be an understatement-the kids fight, they drive me nuts, we're just all itching for the warm days of spring and sunshine that will break us out of these walls!  

Anyways--I haven't posted lately mostly because our life is moving at ten thousand miles a minute with lots of exciting updates and events despite the nasty weather.  I'll attempt to hit the high points to get caught back up to speed with a photo dump of the last 2 months...

The kids have really started playing together a lot-and fighting a lot, but it is so fun to watch them interact

Hank goes to art class every Monday morning--he's clearly a creative genius.  Soccer starts next week--this will go one of two ways..I'm slightly nervous :)

Dad had a birthday-and anyone who knows me knows that birthdays are all celebrated in our house--for those wondering, the viking hat is the official Ritger family birthday hat, if it's your birthday, you wear the hat-no exceptions to this rule.

 Lucy has become quite the little handful of late--into everything as you can see

Some loungin on the couch watching Daniel Tiger-I just love this picture, Lucy is so in love with her brother and has a hard time staying away from him despite his attempts to keep her away
 We love Valentine's Day-working on our crafting projects
 Helping dad at one of our rental properties
 Little stinker at 11 months old!

Finally able to share the tub together--one of the biggest decisions Hank makes everyday is what color bath he wants every night

An unseasonably warm day at the zoo with Dad
 Oh yeah....did we forget to mention this happened?  Baby Ritger #3 arriving mid to late August-not only is the car to small but so is the house--we're about to undertake our biggest project to date--well not us, but we will be adding on an upstairs to our house in the upcoming months!  All individuals under age 10 will be required to move upstairs along with their toys and belongings--I cannot tell you how excited I am about this!   Not as excited about the idea of my house being under construction for 2 months...but well worth it in the end.

We find out Monday if this little squirt is a boy or girl--I'm 99.9% certain boy so we'll see how those mommy instincts pan out this go-around, they haven't failed me yet!

So there's the news for now....I had to get caught up before our big event tomorrow--LUCY'S FIRST BIRTHDAY! So bittersweet for this mama watching her babes grow up so fast, but so much fun to celebrate them.  I'll be back soon enough with a birthday rundown!

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